Friday, June 5, 2009

Fwd: Why can't shave the Armpit?

請你將這個訊息轉寄給你認識的女孩子 ,或你的姐妹,尤其是你妈吗 ,40岁以上的妇女更加不可以剃,因为这个年龄层患癌风险更加高,因為乳癌的罹患率已經高的驚人,這樣的認識或許可以挽救許多的生命

為何不要刮或剃腋毛 : 為何乳癌最常發生在靠近腋窩的地方?為何乳癌最常發生在靠近腋窩的地方?

不久以前,我參加了一個由 Terry Birk贊助的「乳癌防制研討會」,在最後的問答時間裡,我提出了一個問題:「為什麼乳癌最常見的區域在靠近腋窩的地方呢?
一位朋友將這封信轉寄給我,我把它給一位 在接受化療的朋友看,她說在她最近參加的互助團體中,她也正好學到這件事情。那就是「導致毒素累積成惡性腫瘤的原因是 ---- 剃或拔除腋毛。

腋毛会帮助汗水顺着腋毛流出体外,若剃或拔掉腋毛,因而阻止了我們身體的毒 從腋窩排出,但是這些毒素 並不會因此而消失,反 而會因為無法排汗而儲存我們腋下的淋巴結,幾乎所有的乳癌都是發生在乳房外側上方的區域,那正是淋巴結所在的地方,可看编号16的照片,它刚开始生肿瘤的地方就刚刚好离腋窝不远,不久就会曼延到整个乳房,你若再看清楚,她腋下也没有毛,所以她也是有剃掉才会长瘤。

男人之所以比較不會得到乳癌的原因是因為他们从未剃掉腋毛,这些毒素就被阻絕在他們的腋毛之外而不會直接接觸到皮膚。 可能你会问男人每天剃胡子为何不会得乳癌,因下巴并不靠近乳房,也没有淋巴组织.
不但如此,在剃毛时剃刀可能会割伤皮肤,女人如果在剃毛之後馬上使用防汗 /止汗用品,更會提高罹患乳癌的機率,因為這樣皮膚上那些細微的傷痕使得止汗用品的化學物質可以直接進入到腋窩 就算你不搽防汗用品,在剃毛或拔毛时,也会暂时使腋下毛孔扩张,使细菌更容易进入,有腋毛也会帮助阻隔细菌直接接触到腋窝, 若是你觉得不剃腋毛不雅观,但是 当你看到所附上的照片后,你就会觉得不剃腋毛或乳房生癌那一种看起来更恶心了

她的乳房X光攝影片並沒有顯示出任何代表硬塊的陰影,因此醫師只開了一般的抗生素以避免進一步的細菌感染。上了兩次醫院後病情卻持續惡化,醫師於是再度請她去照乳房X光攝影。 這回陰影出現了。切片檢查後,發現了急速複製中的惡性腫瘤細胞。為了減緩細胞複製,先是化療,接下來乳房切除,然後又是一整個療程的化療以及放射線治療。九個月的密集治療之後,醫師們保證她恢復健康了!
>B疼痛,十分惱人又醜陋的濕疹。家庭醫師開給我的任何乳膏都無法除去它;皮膚科醫師先前給我 的眼周皮膚病藥物也無法治好它。

>我懷疑許多的女性朋友們都不知道乳暈及乳頭上的濕疹可能象徵乳癌。(> 我一開始的症狀僅是乳頭上冒出一 個小痘子)

1. 乳頭有持續的紅腫、不明分泌物以及導致搔癢及灼熱感的硬皮剝落。(>我一開始的時候除了一邊乳房有硬皮剝落外,沒有其他症狀)
乳頭上有無法癒合的傷口。 (>我當初的傷口分布在乳暈,乳頭中央並且有白色濃稠分泌物)


面紙(Facial Tissue)含有滑石粉塵會致卵巢癌...你不可不知面紙含有滑石粉塵會致卵巢癌. 這不是 ~~衛生紙(Toilet Paper)與面紙(Tissue)差在哪裡(屁股上)的問題喔!
以面紙取名為面紙 ,因為只能擦臉 ..衛生紙取名為衛生紙,就是要擦了會衛生的 .
以下資料來源:永豐餘造紙股份有限公司, 以下資料提供:董事長祕書 楊祕書
得知衛生紙與面紙的製作差異 : 兩者均是原生紙漿製作,均有經過消毒程序,衛生紙未再加工添加任何添加物 .而面紙加工添加入濕強劑 ,
在水中不易斷裂, 所以不適沖入馬桶 ;又添加了柔軟劑及活性劑 , 紙粉(粉塵 ) .你若不信可将面纸在空中抖几下,你会看到很多纸粉掉出来,
一般人都認為面紙紙質較好 ,就是因為添加了這些東西加工 ,也使得成本居高 , 當然售價也較高 .
因此陳經理解釋說,面紙不能當作衛生紙使用 ,尤其女孩子使用面纸当替卫生纸来擦拭下體 ,所以就算厕所里没有放卫生纸,也千万别用面纸来檫阴部。
要千萬注意,阴部皮肤敏感的人會有不適反應 .也会导致卵巢癌。
陳經理還說 ,他們本身懂得這些原理的人 ,自己家裡都少用面紙 ,儘量全面使用衛生紙.

Is it OK to shave your armpit hairs?
Many people complain about armpit hair. Armpit hair causes body odor and they are very unsightly. The negative attributes of armpit hair are
seemingly evident at first glance. Are armpit hairs really a nuisance or at the very least unnecessary to the human body?
Arguably, the smelliest part of the body is the armpit. The reason behind is that the underarm hair is a trap for bacteria, sebum, and pheromones.
Bacteria plus sebum equals odor. And pheromones?
Well they’re the sexual chemicals that the body produces and they are contributory to the growing “smell pool.”
In modern times, it is considered very unattractive, especially for women, to have thick armpit hairs. To some cultures, it is even required for
women to shave underarm hair.
While some European women don’t shave their armpits as defiance to imposed cultural codes, it is necessary for Islamic women to do so.
But in many East Asian countries like China, Japan and Korea, keeping armpit hair is perfectly normal. Even in India, it is 100% alright to keep
your armpit hair on.
While it is a common belief that shaving will produce even thicker growth, there is absolutely no truth to this at all. The reason is that the
number of hair follicles isn’t affected by shaving.
It may seem that armpit hair grows more aggressively than other hairs, but shaving the armpit occurs more frequently simply because it grows faster than the leg-hair.
Armpit hair provides lubrication and lessens the friction of the skin between your arm and your body. The production of sebum prevents the skin from drying and cracking.
Without armpit hair, the armpits would be susceptible to wounds and sores similar to a diaper rash in baby bottoms.
Sex pheromones are also spread through olfactory means, thus adding emphasis to smell. Pheromones serve to attract the opposite sex and have an important role in sexual attraction.
Connected to the armpit hair are various sensory nerve endings. This explains where the pain comes from whenever armpit hairs are plucked.
The arrector pili muscle is connected to each hair follicle and together, the hair, hair shaft, arrector pili muscle, and sebaceous gland, are
known as the pilisebaceous unit.
The armpit hair is known this way simply because it is located under your arms! Most people find long armpit hair unattractive, which may lead to insecurities and other psychosocial problems.
Rest assured that your underarm forest has its very own unique purpose. It’s just a matter of taking the good with the bad. In exchange of body odor, or being unattractively long (it depends on preference), underarm hair provides less friction to your armpits, and releases sexual hormones to attract the opposite sex.

The pheromones are the sex chemicals produced by our body to attract mates. Armpit hair acts as a collector of pheromones or a pheromone trap, if you can call it that. The more pheromones there are, the more attractive you are to the opposite sex.
The only catch is that you might stink a little, but it’s undeniable that you’re getting the attention of your potential mate at a hormonal level.
We tend to underestimate scent as a tool for sexual attraction, but no one can deny that pheromones could be useful.
On Amazon, you can find lots of Pheromone Colognes listed. These are basically colognes with pheromones added to them.
Think before you shave…
So if you are looking to completely remove your armpit hairs, think again. They serve their very own purpose. If length turns out to be too much of a bother, regular trimming and maintenance will do.
And don’t forget to take a bath regularly, especially when the hormones are starting to rage. You want to attract a mate with your pheromones, not overwhelm them. Keep in mind that armpit hairs are more help than they look.

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